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Grupo Madiver S.A DE C.V, also known as MADIVER, with address at Calle Ancorada #5018, Residencial San Ángel, León, 37299, in the state of Guanajuato, country Mexico, and website, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, and we inform you of the following:

For what purposes will we use your personal data?

We will use your personal information for the following secondary purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but that allow us to provide you with better service:

  • To verify and confirm your identity.

  • To manage and operate the services you request.

Refusal to use your personal data for these purposes cannot be a reason for us to deny you the services and products you request or contract with us, unless it interferes with current contracts or is required according to applicable regulations.

What personal data will we use for these purposes?

To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data:

  • Name

  • Marital Status

  • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC)

  • Unique Population Registry Code (CURP)

  • Place of Birth

  • Date of Birth

  • Nationality

  • Address

  • Home Phone

  • Cell Phone

  • Email

  • Autograph Signature

  • Electronic Signature

  • Age

  • Photograph

  • Job Position

  • Work Address

  • Institutional Email

  • Institutional Phone

  • Work References

  • Information generated during recruitment, selection, and hiring processes

  • Job Training

  • Educational Background

  • Degrees

  • Professional License

  • Certificates

  • Recognitions

  • Identification Data

  • Contact Data

  • Work Data

  • Immigration Data

How can you access, rectify, or cancel your personal data, or object to its use?

You have the right to know what personal data we have about you, what we use it for, and the conditions of its use (Access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate, or incomplete (Rectification); to have it removed from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being properly used (Cancellation); and to object to the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

To exercise any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective request through the following means:

  • Email:

  • In writing to the following address: Calle Ancorada #5018, Residencial San Ángel, León, Guanajuato 37299, Mexico

To know the procedure and requirements for the exercise of ARCO rights, we provide the following means:

The contact details of the person or department of personal data, who is in charge of processing ARCO rights requests, are as follows:

a) Name of the person or department of personal data: Martin Israel González Medina. b) Address: Calle Ancorada #5018, Residencial San Ángel, León, Guanajuato 37299, Mexico c) Email: d) Phone number: 477 642 65 15 Another contact detail: 477 642 65 14

You can revoke your consent for the use of your personal data

You can revoke the consent that, if applicable, you have given us for the processing of your personal data. However, it is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to attend to your request or conclude the use immediately, as it is possible that due to some legal obligation we may need to continue processing your personal data. Additionally, you should consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue providing the service you requested, or the termination of your relationship with us.

To revoke your consent, you must submit your request through the following means:

  • Email:

  • In writing to the following address: Calle Ancorada #5018, Residencial San Ángel, León, Guanajuato 37299, Mexico

To know the procedure and requirements for the revocation of consent, we provide the following means:

  • Email:

  • Address: Calle Ancorada #5018, Residencial San Ángel, León, Guanajuato 37299, Mexico

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

To limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer the following means:

  • Email:

  • In writing to the following address: Calle Ancorada #5018, Residencial San Ángel, León, Guanajuato 37299, Mexico

Additionally, you can register with the following records if you do not wish to receive advertising from us:

  • Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, for more information consult the PROFECO website.

The use of tracking technologies on our website

We inform you that we use cookies, web beacons, or other technologies on our website, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an internet user, as well as provide you with a better service and experience when browsing our page. The personal data we collect through these technologies will be used for the following purposes:

  • To verify and confirm your identity.

The personal data we obtain from these tracking technologies are as follows:

  • Identifiers, user names, and session passwords

  • User's preferred language

  • User's region

  • User's browser type

  • User's operating system type

  • Date and time of the beginning and end of a user's session

  • Web pages visited by a user

  • Searches performed by a user

  • Advertisements reviewed by a user

  • Shopping lists and consumption habits on shopping sites

To know more or disable the use of these technologies, please write to us at the following:

  • Email:

  • Address: Calle Ancorada #5018, Residencial San Ángel, León, Guanajuato 37299, Mexico

How can you know if there are changes to this privacy notice?

This privacy notice may undergo modifications, changes, or updates derived from new legal requirements; our own needs for the products or services we offer; our privacy practices; changes in our business model, or other causes.

We are committed to keeping you informed about changes to this privacy notice, through:

The procedure through which notifications about changes or updates to this privacy notice will be carried out is as follows:

  • Publication of a new notice on the website

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